Naval Science 101:
Introduction to Naval Science
An introductory look at the organizational structure of the naval service. Attention is concentrated on leadership and management principles as they apply to the naval service and the shipboard organization. Additional subjects to be covered are military justice, and navy policies and procedures.
Naval Science 102:
Seapower and Maritime Affairs
This course focuses on the historical role of sea power, emphasizing the U.S. Navy. Topics include: development of naval power and applications as an instrument of foreign policy; historical relationship of navies with their respective domestic, political, and economic environments; and the rise of the U.S. as a maritime power
Naval Science 201:
Introduction to Ship Systems
Types, structures and purposes of ships. Ship compartmentation, propulsion systems, auxiliary power systems, interior communications, and ship control. Elements of ship design to achieve safe operations, and ship stability characteristics
*Required for Navy Options only
Naval Science 202:
Electronic Sensing Systems
Introduction to properties and behavior of electromagnetic energy as it pertains to naval applications of communication, radar, and electro-optics. Additional topics include sound navigation and ranging (SONAR), tracking and guidance systems, and computer-controlled systems
*Required for Navy Options only
Naval Science 203:
Leadership & Management
This course is specifically designed to teach introductory-level leadership and management concepts and applications to sophomore-level university students. The course starts with a basic overview of leadership and management and then moves into basic skills including professional reading, writing, briefings, problem solving, team building, situational leadership, morality, ethics, and communications. After the basic skills are covered, the curriculum explores leader-subordinate and peer relationships, while taking an in-depth look at professional and unprofessional relationships. The course emphasizes ethics in leadership and management and explores subjects in power and influence, counseling, supervision, accountability, responsibility, and core values.
Naval Science 301:
The purpose of this course is to educate students in all aspects of marine navigation, from getting a vessel underway from port through open ocean navigation using both celestial and electronic means. The content of the course is divided into three major areas. The first section focuses on piloting, emphasizing the safe navigation of vessels in coastal waters. This section provides an introduction to navigational instruments and aids to navigation. The second section concerns celestial navigation, the ability to determine position through observation of celestial bodies. Students learn how to determine position based on the use of the sextant and various almanacs and mathematical tables. The third section of the course considers electronic navigation.
Naval Science 302:
Naval Operations & Seamanship
A study of the international and inland rules of the nautical road, relative motion vector analysis, relative motion problems at sea, formation tactics, and ship employment. Also included is an introduction to naval operations and operations analysis, ship behavior and characteristics in maneuvering, applied aspects of shiphandling, seamanship, and afloat communications.
Naval Science 310:
Fundamentals of Warfare
Analysis and application of fundamental maneuver warfare concepts that are critical to the success of the contemporary war-fighter. Students will study fire and maneuver and associated concepts at the individual and small unit level.
*Required for Marine Options only
Naval Science 402:
Leadership & Ethics
This course is designed to prepare future leaders to make sound, timely, and reliable decisions in any environment, including combat, by use of dialectic reasoning and through exploration and application of a diverse range of leadership and ethical tools and frameworks. Students will study western ethical frameworks and real-life case studies as they explore how best to navigate ethical dilemmas. The course’s aim is for students to use dialectic reasoning and effective written and aural communications to convincingly ascertain and articulate the truest path forward for difficult challenges. Students will work to determine what relationship exists between successful leadership and ethics (and leader’s adherence to high standards of character and integrity) as they develop their own leadership philosophy. NS 402 is the capstone course for the NROTC academic curriculum but is open to all students.
Naval Science 410:
Amphibious Warfare
Introduction to development of military thought, theory, and technology over time. Utilizes historical case studies to discern patterns and principles for professional understanding of war-fighting doctrine. Educates student in characteristics, requirements, and problems of modern and amphibious warfare. Uses historical lessons to make practical judgments about present and future. Challenging reading load; writing regularly and extensively to demonstrate analysis, synthesis, and original thought
*Required for Marine Options only